The Herbarium for Crabtree & Evelyn

Regent Street, London


The Herbarium, Regent Street Window, Detail of the Shop-window Display



The Herbarium display for the Crabtree & Evelyn store at Regent Street was part of the RIBA Regent Street Window project.

The display captures the memory of English Still rooms, distillery rooms dating back to medieval times.

A delicate combination of colourful and fascinating plants and flowers, tracing paper, copper and brass utensils, wooden surfaces of country kitchens, and remedies, potions and cosmetic products formed the inspiration for the project.


Detail of the back-lit Cubbyholes from inside of the Store


3-dimensional Drawing of the Proposal


The dried Herb and Flowers in Soap Casts within the Display


The Design and Collaboration

London Atelier collaborated with lighting designers Michael Grubb Studio and artist Tina Tsang to realise an engaging and delightful installation.

This referenced the historical background to the store, and elevated it through the application of animation technology.

The display is a choreographed ensemble of herbs, plants and flowers, preserved in panes of soap. The botanical compositions are made from around 200 different species of plants common to English gardens, cast into the soap and framed within 96 boxes forming the display. This rests on a plinth of 10mm steel and is constructed of lightly stained plywood, frosted glass, and brass angles holding the soap panes in place.

Video of the Crabtree and Evelyn x London Atelier Regent Street Window Installation 2:07m


The interactive Display at Night

Lighting Design

The project uses smart lighting comprising of an LED matrix to create a subtle, organically animated and surprising lighting effect. This responds to the movement of the passers-by and translates them into a rippling pattern across the display.


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